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Linkster Influencer Performance Cloud

The first Influencer Marketing Tool, that‘s fun for you!

Linkster is the smart software for your influencer marketing team, with which you can easily manage all your collaborations.

REVENUE instead of (just) REACH

More than 150 brands trust in Linkster

You have five jobs, but only
one salary. Fair?

The Daily Struggle

You know how it feels! As an influencer marketing manager for your brand, you're actually doing five jobs at once. Chasing influencers, maintaining lists, tracking sales - it's only fun to a certain extent. After all, you didn't really want a data and admin job, you wanted to do cool campaigns! That's where we want to support you. Because our software takes care of the tech part, you finally have time for what you love and are incredible at: being creative.

Annoying before the campaign

Find influencers who actually perform

Sure, it‘s easy to find influencers. But at the end of the day, which one actually sells products - YOUR products?

Project Management, another name for "CHAOS"

Creating briefings, content approval, team coordination - you know the info is somewhere - but where?!?

Stressful after the campaign

Effort without end: all data in one list

Waiting days for inaccurate data and spending hours compiling it manually in huge Excel files? NOT fun.

Manual tracking = Endless work

Manually checking basket-values, updating statuses, tracking purchases - who can keep track of everything anyway?


Salvation is near!
This is how you grow with Linkster.


More ROAS through the right decisions made possible by Linkster

0 Hours

Work in Excel & Co. through real-time data of your collaborations directly in Linkster


easy to find new influencers with our smart influencer lists and AI-powered suggestions.

Find influencers

Only those who perform, will also help you

Regardless of whether you do your own research on Insta or use an influencer discovery tool - you won't get reliable information about an influencer's success. With Linkster, on the other hand, influencers are suggested to you on the basis of real performance data. How much revenue can you generate with them? Who has the best brand fit? With Linkster you have REAL insights. Those who perform get a chance - those who don't: thanks, but no thanks.

Tracking and reporting

Your success becomes
measurable - and visible

Compiling data from Google Analytics, Shopify and Influencer Insights by hand? It's a lot of work - and unfortunately often not reliable. It's annoying when you have all the hustle and still can't track your success. It's different with Linkster: all performance data automatically ends up in your dashboards in real time. You can see at a glance who generated how much revenue with which campaign, through which content and with which product. Check.
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Influencer CRM

Everything in one place,
everything at a glance

Wouldn't it be great to have a central place where you can easily find all the collaborations you've ever done with an influencer plus the respective content? Linkster makes it possible: all data is automatically collected, enriched and stored. This also includes the stories, reels and posts of your creators for other brands (within the last 30 days). This way, you can quickly check who is presenting themselves in what way - and whether it suits you and your brand.
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Save content

Review & Auto-Save 

To ensure that none of your influencers' stories are simply gone after 24 hours, you actually have to screenshot their accounts around the clock. And then upload the screenshots to your folders. And then link them to your Excel spreadsheet. And then, and then, and then. With Linkster you save time and nerves: we automatically recognise when a creator posts for you, save it, add it to your campaign overview. Forever. It can be that easy.
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Manage campaigns

Efficiency is everything

Nothing against Excel, Trello and Asana - all cool tools, but all not made for influencer marketing. If you've ever had to send out more than ten briefings with different discount codes and tracking links and then change each status individually, you know what we're talking about. With Linkster, you can see the tasks of your whole team. And they update automatically as soon as they are completed. Best of all: with the "Bulk Wizard" you can carry out tasks as a collective action - completely individualised. A real magic button!
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"Linkster helps us focus on profitable influencer collaborations every day."

Eva Schumacher, Head of Social Media & Influencer Management
Bears with Benefits®

"Linkster is an indispensable tool for data-driven influencer marketing."

Roman Nasarian, Team Lead Influencer Marketing
Oatsome GmbH

"For anyone who wants to be successful with influencers, the tool is indispensable!"

Pauline Stark, Teamlead Influencer Marketing
KESS Berlin GmbH

“Linkster hilft uns jeden Tag dabei, uns auf profitable Influencer Kooperationen zu konzentrieren.“
Mehr lesen >

Eva Schumacher, Head of Social Media & Influencer Management
Bears with Benefits®

„Linkster ist ein unverzichtbares Tool für Data-Driven Influencer Marketing.“
Mehr lesen >

Roman Nasarian, Team Lead Influencer Marketing
Oatsome GmbH

„Linkster spart uns so viel Arbeit, dass wir sie wieder in Influencer Relations investieren können.“
Mehr lesen >

Ann-Kathrin Hitzler, Influencer Marketing Expert & CEO

„Für jeden, der mit Influencern erfolgreich sein möchte, ist das Tool unverzichtbar!“
Mehr lesen >

Pauline Stark, Teamlead Influencer Marketing
KESS Berlin GmbH

„Linkster ist das Geheimrezept hinter unserem Erfolg im Influencer-Marketing.“
Mehr lesen >

Paulina Eckes, Coordinator Influencer Marketing


The perfect match
for all your
marketing tools

No matter which shop system and how many customisations you have: with Linkster it's no problem! Our software integrates smartly into your existing environment and enables a smooth data exchange. The best thing about it: You can continue to use existing analytics tools such as Google Analytics - with Linkster you only get more valuable data.

Giannis Paraskevopoulos

Managing Director

Let's talk!

Managing influencer collaborations smartly and thus gaining more time for creative work and personal collaboration with influencers - that sounds good to you? Then get in touch with us! We'll be happy to introduce you to our Linkster software (and hey, us!) in person. Spoiler alert: The next click can make your life a lot easier...

Quick answers for you

Your question was not answered? Write to us here, we'll be happy to help!

© Copyright - Linkster GmbH

"Linkster Influencer Performance Cloud ist ein absoluter Gamechanger für unsere Influencer-Marketing-Bemühungen bei SNOCKS! Als Leiterin des Influencer Marketings verlasse ich mich täglich auf Linkster, um unseren Influencer-Kanal nahtlos zu verwalten, auszubauen und zu optimieren.

Die produktiven und persönlichen Kommunikationsfunktionen der Plattform sind ein Traum. Linkster ermöglicht es mir und meinem Team, effizient neue Kunden zu gewinnen, Umsatz zu generieren, zu wachsen und einen positiven ROAS zu erzielen. Mit seiner benutzerfreundlichen Oberfläche und leistungsstarken Einblicken ist Linkster das Geheimrezept hinter unserem Erfolg im Influencer-Marketing. Ein großes Lob an das Linkster-Team für die Entwicklung eines solch unglaublichen Tools!"

"Linkster hat unser Influencer Marketing aufs nächste Level gebracht. Mit seinen vielfältigen Features ermöglicht es uns, Kampagnen effizienter zu planen, neue Influencer zu finden, Briefings zu erstellen und zu versenden und wertvolle Performance-Daten in Echtzeit zu analysieren. Dank Linkster konnten wir die Gesamt-Performance unserer Kampagnen beeindruckend steigern und unser Influencer Portfolio ausweiten. Als Teamlead Influencer Marketing vertraue ich auf Linkster als verlässlichen Partner, um unsere Prozesse kontinuierlich zu optimieren.

Für jeden, der mit Influencern erfolgreich sein möchte, ist das Tool unverzichtbar!"

"Mein Anspruch an Influencer Marketing ist es qualitatives Arbeiten optimal „reportbar“ und somit skalierbar sowie quantifizierbar zu machen. Linkster ist für mich das perfekte Bindeglied für diesen Approach. Ich arbeite seit 3 Jahren mit dem Tool und kann es jedem Marketer wärmstens empfehlen, der ebenfalls gerne datenbasiert, genau und insbesondere EFFIZIENT arbeitet. Linkster erspart uns allen so viel Arbeit im Reporting und Tracking, dass wir diese „neu- und wieder-gewonnene Zeit“ in das Pflegen der Beziehungen zu Influencer investieren. Influencer Relations statt Influencer Marketing - Linkster macht’s möglich! Danke für die tolle Zusammenarbeit!"

"Linkster ist ein unverzichtbares Tool für Data-Driven Influencer Marketing. Es bietet eine Vielzahl von Funktionen, die es uns ermöglichen, Influencer Aktivitäten zu tracken, zu analysieren und den Erfolg unserer Kampagnen zu maximieren.

Besonderes die Übersichtlichkeit und Klarheit der Dashboards, die einfache Bedienbarkeit sowie die Automatisierung der richtigen Prozesse (Briefings schicken, Rechnungen & Insights anfragen) spart uns viel Zeit und ermöglicht uns schnell zu reagieren

Dadurch kann unser Influencer Team sich auf ebenfalls wichtige, kreative Aufgaben konzentrieren und die Arbeit wird effizienter und spaßiger gestaltet."

"Linkster ist unsere bevorzugte Software zur Planung, Analyse unserer Influencer-Kooperationen sowie zur datenbasierten Optimierung unseres Portfolios über mehrere Länder hinweg. Grundlage sind Linksters Echtzeit Performance-Daten und Insights.

So hilft Linkster unserem Team jeden Tag dabei, sich auf profitable Influencer-Kooperationen und Wachstum zu konzentrieren."

  • Shopify

  • Shopware

  • WooCommerce

  • Magento

  • Google Analytics

  • Matomo

  • Tealium

  • Webtrekk

  • Microsoft Power BI

  • Adjust

  • branch

  • Webhooks