Others build tools for

We are thes Operating System for your Performance Influencer Marketing.

Brands that want to drive revenue through influencer marketing work with Linkster.

Revenue per year through influencer.

*24 hours of our customers LIVE broken down into 5 minutes.




Linkster Core

These functions form the performance philosophy.

The Linkster Core Software offers you a modular set of tools to quickly and efficiently build and expand your performance influencer marketing and scale it via automation, cross-team and cross-country processes.

We democratize revenue through influencers.

Sales Influencer Sourcing

Module 01
The days of “female, 5% engagement, fashion content” as a filter are over. Rummaging through hours of insights in tools only to be completely surprised by the result in the end is pointless. Sales influencers can be reliably found in Linkster using behavioral data and accurate AI models. Focus your budget on the profiles with the highest conversion probability.

Individual outreach at scale

Module 02
Enable your team to easily contact hundreds of creators by designing outreach with simple variables, automatic landing pages for campaigns and easy insights upload without creator login.

Dynamic briefings at scale

Module 03
Professional briefings follow a standard. Product information, do's and don'ts, tracking parameters, time periods and much more. Static PDFs often lead to errors and additional work, especially if something changes after dispatch. Linkster briefings are always dynamic, available online (without download) and scalable.

Automate processes

Module 4
Professional processes follow certain standards. Briefings, for example, must always contain the correct links and codes, the appropriate do's and don'ts and much more. Insights must always be requested at the end of the cooperation, content for approval beforehand - while others type their fingers to the bone or can't really map something like this cleanly, you can easily automate redundant processes with Linkster.

Accurate tracking & reporting

Module 5
Data is at the heart of performance influencer marketing. That's why we have developed our own tracking and attribution technology from the ground up, which makes it possible to output not only voucher codes but also link purchases in real time and to track all key figures for awareness (reach, CPM, clicks, CPC) and sales (conversions, AOVs, CACs, order IDs, returns, commissions). All without influencer login (except for Affiliate, where influencers can access their own dashboard).

Connectivity in third-party systems.

Module 6
While the influencer team will work IN Linkster every day, a functioning e-commerce reporting system needs all channel data in one interface. That is why we have designed Linkster in such a way that data can be transferred at any point via .csv exports or via API interfaces to third-party systems such as klar, lookrstudio, Power BI and many more.

Private Affiliate Network

Module 7
Normally, affiliate marketing has to be managed via user-unfriendly plugins. In Linkster, you have the option to manage your own affiliate network directly within influencer marketing and give influencers direct access to their own performance, including payout functionalities.

Creator & Content Monitoring

Module 8
Linkster monitors the content of your influencers 24/7. Especially in the case of Instagram Stories, content must not be lost. Performance influencer marketing also means designing and briefing content in such a way that it triggers conversions in the influencers' communities. This is only possible if you have the opportunity to evaluate the content together with the quantitative performance.

Multi-brand functionalities

Module 9
For brands that have multiple sister brands, but are managed by the same or similar teams, we have added the functionality that multiple brands can be managed together and reported separately. Influencers, for example, can be drawn from a common CRM, while evaluations are displayed at country and brand level.

Modular, scalable & enterprise-ready.
But not expensive.

Our goal from the start was to find a pricing that is finally in proportion to the true benefit and added value. Everyone who wants to do performance influencer marketing should have the chance to become part of Linkster

from €700/mo

No matter whether you start from scratch or move 15 employees in 9 countries and 7 stores to us during ongoing operations. We have a simple, transparent logic on how we build up offers. Depending on the case and volume, you can expect fair cost/benefit pricing!

Get to know us!

Do you know exactly what you need? Or are you still at the beginning of your journey? Let's talk and find the right solution for you in a free expert call!

Giannis Paraskevopoulos

Co-Founder @ Linkster

Julius Schaefer

Growth @ Linkster

"Linkster Influencer Performance Cloud ist ein absoluter Gamechanger für unsere Influencer-Marketing-Bemühungen bei SNOCKS! Als Leiterin des Influencer Marketings verlasse ich mich täglich auf Linkster, um unseren Influencer-Kanal nahtlos zu verwalten, auszubauen und zu optimieren.

Die produktiven und persönlichen Kommunikationsfunktionen der Plattform sind ein Traum. Linkster ermöglicht es mir und meinem Team, effizient neue Kunden zu gewinnen, Umsatz zu generieren, zu wachsen und einen positiven ROAS zu erzielen. Mit seiner benutzerfreundlichen Oberfläche und leistungsstarken Einblicken ist Linkster das Geheimrezept hinter unserem Erfolg im Influencer-Marketing. Ein großes Lob an das Linkster-Team für die Entwicklung eines solch unglaublichen Tools!"

"Linkster hat unser Influencer Marketing aufs nächste Level gebracht. Mit seinen vielfältigen Features ermöglicht es uns, Kampagnen effizienter zu planen, neue Influencer zu finden, Briefings zu erstellen und zu versenden und wertvolle Performance-Daten in Echtzeit zu analysieren. Dank Linkster konnten wir die Gesamt-Performance unserer Kampagnen beeindruckend steigern und unser Influencer Portfolio ausweiten. Als Teamlead Influencer Marketing vertraue ich auf Linkster als verlässlichen Partner, um unsere Prozesse kontinuierlich zu optimieren.

Für jeden, der mit Influencern erfolgreich sein möchte, ist das Tool unverzichtbar!"

"Mein Anspruch an Influencer Marketing ist es qualitatives Arbeiten optimal „reportbar“ und somit skalierbar sowie quantifizierbar zu machen. Linkster ist für mich das perfekte Bindeglied für diesen Approach. Ich arbeite seit 3 Jahren mit dem Tool und kann es jedem Marketer wärmstens empfehlen, der ebenfalls gerne datenbasiert, genau und insbesondere EFFIZIENT arbeitet. Linkster erspart uns allen so viel Arbeit im Reporting und Tracking, dass wir diese „neu- und wieder-gewonnene Zeit“ in das Pflegen der Beziehungen zu Influencer investieren. Influencer Relations statt Influencer Marketing - Linkster macht’s möglich! Danke für die tolle Zusammenarbeit!"

"Linkster ist ein unverzichtbares Tool für Data-Driven Influencer Marketing. Es bietet eine Vielzahl von Funktionen, die es uns ermöglichen, Influencer Aktivitäten zu tracken, zu analysieren und den Erfolg unserer Kampagnen zu maximieren.

Besonderes die Übersichtlichkeit und Klarheit der Dashboards, die einfache Bedienbarkeit sowie die Automatisierung der richtigen Prozesse (Briefings schicken, Rechnungen & Insights anfragen) spart uns viel Zeit und ermöglicht uns schnell zu reagieren

Dadurch kann unser Influencer Team sich auf ebenfalls wichtige, kreative Aufgaben konzentrieren und die Arbeit wird effizienter und spaßiger gestaltet."

"Linkster ist unsere bevorzugte Software zur Planung, Analyse unserer Influencer-Kooperationen sowie zur datenbasierten Optimierung unseres Portfolios über mehrere Länder hinweg. Grundlage sind Linksters Echtzeit Performance-Daten und Insights.

So hilft Linkster unserem Team jeden Tag dabei, sich auf profitable Influencer-Kooperationen und Wachstum zu konzentrieren."

  • Shopify

  • Shopware

  • WooCommerce

  • Magento

  • Google Analytics

  • Matomo

  • Tealium

  • Webtrekk

  • Microsoft Power BI

  • Adjust

  • branch

  • Webhooks